Eesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja logo.

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Magazine Sinuga

Our network publishes a magazine (in Estonian) to provide people with disabilities and their families with sector-specific information and inform the general public about the problems and successes of people with disabilities.

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Illustratsioon: meeskohtunikul on käes haamer ning istub laua taga.

Ühtekuuluvuskontsert "Mis on inimene?"

Rahvusvahelisel puuetega inimete päeval, 3. detsembril 2022 toimus ligipääsetav ühtekuuluvuskontsert "Mis on inimene?"

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Magazine Sinuga

Our network publishes a magazine (in Estonian) to provide people with disabilities and their families with sector-specific information and inform the general public about the problems and successes of people with disabilities.

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

Need legal advice?

We offer legal advice to persons with a moderate, severe or profound disability in collaboration with Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB).

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