You can support our activities by making a feasible donation to our bank account. By supporting the activities of the ECDP, you help to improve the quality of life, inclusion in society and self-fulfillment of people with disabilities and the chronically ill.
Donations are welcome: to the bank account of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People EE281010052030584000 SEB bank
If you are a legal person, please include your registry code and if you are a natural person, your personal identification code so that we could declare the donators. We are included in the list of non-profit associations and foundations not subject to income tax, which allows declared donators to deduct the donation made from their income tax-free.
We are very grateful if you support our activities!
Loe varasemaid uudiskirju!
EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
Oma uudiskirjadesse koondame puuetega ja erivajadusega inimesi puudutava olulise info, samuti leiab palju põnevat nii EPIKoja, meie liikmete kui ka koostööpartnerite tegemistest, olulistest sündmustest ja huvitavatest persoonidest. Lisaks hoiame lugejaid kursis ning vahendame sotsiaal-, haridus- ja tervishoiusüsteemi olulisi muudatusi.
Uudiskiri ilmub kord kuus.