The highest authority of the Chamber is the general meeting.
Between general meetings, a nine-member management board is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Chamber. Board members are appointed by the general meeting for a four-year period. A five-member executive team is responsible for the daily work.
The management board is responsible for:
The Chair of the Board who will be appointed at the meeting for four years is responsible for organising the work of the management board.
The competence of the Chair of the Board includes:
Management board meetings are held no less frequently than six times a year and will be convened upon a written request either by the Chair of the Board, the CEO or by three members of the management board. Management board has a quorum if over half the members are present at its meeting. Decisions will be taken by simple majority.
Minutes of the management board (in Estonian):
Loe varasemaid uudiskirju!
EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
Oma uudiskirjadesse koondame puuetega ja erivajadusega inimesi puudutava olulise info, samuti leiab palju põnevat nii EPIKoja, meie liikmete kui ka koostööpartnerite tegemistest, olulistest sündmustest ja huvitavatest persoonidest. Lisaks hoiame lugejaid kursis ning vahendame sotsiaal-, haridus- ja tervishoiusüsteemi olulisi muudatusi.
Uudiskiri ilmub kord kuus.