If you need help or advice on everyday issues related to disability and special needs, please contact us. We share necessary information and contacts, and together we try to find answers to all kinds of topics, questions and concerns, such as rights, studying, working, independent living, services, benefits, etc.
In addition, we offer consultations, help to prepare informational materials, and put together and conduct adult refresher training for both our member organisations and partners.
Also feel free to contact us if you need training and advice on:
We develop curricula for our training sessions according to specific training needs and find the best possible training providers from our own member organisations, as well as from our partners. We follow the principle of accessibility and involvement in offering, preparing and conducting refresher training.
We offer accessible training rooms for conducting training in central Tallinn.
Loe varasemaid uudiskirju!
EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
Oma uudiskirjadesse koondame puuetega ja erivajadusega inimesi puudutava olulise info, samuti leiab palju põnevat nii EPIKoja, meie liikmete kui ka koostööpartnerite tegemistest, olulistest sündmustest ja huvitavatest persoonidest. Lisaks hoiame lugejaid kursis ning vahendame sotsiaal-, haridus- ja tervishoiusüsteemi olulisi muudatusi.
Uudiskiri ilmub kord kuus.