The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People

Opening hours:

Mon - Thu 10 AM - 3 PM

We kindly ask all visitors to wear masks, keep safe distance and stay home if sick.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us:
General phone number: +372 661 6629
General e-mail:

The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People is an umbrella organisation for associations of disabled people all over Estonia, uniting 16 regional and 32 disability-specific unions and associations and 5 supporting members. Having sector-specific competence in disability issues, participating in the development of disability policies as a representative, and having an overview of the situation of people with disabilities thanks to the daily work of our network, makes us the primary point of contact in disability issues.

Registry code: 80014660
Toompuiestee 10, Tallinn 10137
Billing account No. EE28 1010 0520 3058 4000 SEB

The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People is included in the list of non-profit associations and foundations that are not subject to income tax.

Chief specialist

Mari Puuram

Mari about herself: I completed my bachelor's studies by 2011 in modern European languages and cultures, specializing in Italian language. At the moment I am studying public administration at Tallinn University's Masters programme. My previous work experience has been mostly people-centered. I have worked both as a specialist and a consultant. At EPIК I would like to contribute through my work on accessibility to building a better society while combining sector-specific knowledge with skills, so that all members of society feel valuable and welcome with opportunities and access to operate on equal grounds.

Chief specialist

Mari Puuram

Mari about herself: I completed my bachelor's studies by 2011 in modern European languages and cultures, specializing in Italian language. At the moment I am studying public administration at Tallinn University's Masters programme. My previous work experience has been mostly people-centered. I have worked both as a specialist and a consultant. At EPIК I would like to contribute through my work on accessibility to building a better society while combining sector-specific knowledge with skills, so that all members of society feel valuable and welcome with opportunities and access to operate on equal grounds.

Chief specialist

Mari Puuram

Mari about herself: I completed my bachelor's studies by 2011 in modern European languages and cultures, specializing in Italian language. At the moment I am studying public administration at Tallinn University's Masters programme. My previous work experience has been mostly people-centered. I have worked both as a specialist and a consultant. At EPIК I would like to contribute through my work on accessibility to building a better society while combining sector-specific knowledge with skills, so that all members of society feel valuable and welcome with opportunities and access to operate on equal grounds.

Tervishoiualase huvikaitse nõunik
Tel: +372 54010461

Katrin Nugis

Katrin endast: Esmane kõrgharidus on mul turunduse suunal. Sotsiaalvaldkonda sattusin 20 aastat tagasi, kui perre sündis raske puudega laps. Eelkõige soovist teada rohkem ja ise oma tütre toetamisega paremini toime tulla asusin koolitustel käima. Läbisin nii tugiisiku kui tegevusjuhendaja pika koolituse. Juba tegevusjuhendate koolitusel tundsin, et tahan seda valdkonda põhjalikumalt tunda ja alustasin õpinguid Tallinna Ülikoolis sotsiaaltöö magistrantuuris, mis on hetkel lõpusirgel. Samuti olen läbinud täiskasvanute koolitajate koolituse ja hetkel koolitan Koolitaja OÜ tugiisikuid ja tegevusjuhendajaid arengupsühholoogiaga seotud teemadel. 20 aasta jooksul olen tegelenud vähemal või suuremal määral erivajadustega inimeste huvikaitsega, kas siis vabatahtlikuna või töö kaudu. Enne EPIKotta tulekut töötasin Rapla Vallavalitsuses juhtumikorraldajana ISTE projektis, mis tegeleb psüühilise erivajadusega inimestega, pakkudes neile ja nende pereliikmetele tuge ja teenuseid kodu lähedal.
EPIKojas panustan huvikaitse alal peamiselt terviseteemadel, et oleksime esindatud ja meie häält oleks kuulda igal tasandil riigis. Samuti kasutan oma seniniseid kogemusi ja teadmisi ka teistes huvikaitse valdkondades. Eesmärgiks on, et erivajadusetega inimesed saaksid elada inimväärset elu, olla kaasatud ühiskonda läbi võrdsete võimaluste, et osaleda erinevates eluvaldkondades ning nende õigused oleks seal kaitstud.

Adviser (in the field of work ability assessment and disability determination)
Phone: +372 6715909

Kristi Rekand

Kristi about herself: I have a master's degree in social work and law and have worked in both the public and third sector. My particular interest and I could even say my mission is related to people with special mental needs and the protection of their basic and human rights. Without exaggerating, I believe that I am truly a human rights activist and I want to make sure that the rights of people with special needs are ensured and protected without discrimination, regardless of the field. For me, special needs is a subject that affects every person more or less as a natural part of life. By focusing on humanity and valuing everything that is good and special, which every person undoubtedly has, I want to contribute to ensuring human dignity and everyone’s right to self-determination. Working as an advisor at the ECDP is a natural continuation of my previous professional and personal development and with my knowledge and personal qualities, I hope to support both people with special needs and the society, while also contributing as a supportive colleague.

What others say about Kristi: Kristi is the newest member of our team. Out of all of us, Kristi is the most on the forefront, advising people face to face. We have noticed that the opportunity to help people with special needs by putting her best competencies to use brings Kristi great joy. Especially when customer cases are complex, but are resolved in a way that really supports the client. Kristi is the only lawyer on our team and thus an important source of knowledge and development for all of us. She is also eager to learn – she is very interested in the functioning of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, how our members are doing, and whether the goals of the Chamber are met. Although Kristi's work is not easy, she can miraculously stay optimistic and keep her head high.

Adviser (in the field of work ability assessment and disability determination)
Phone: +372 6715909

Kristi Rekand

Kristi about herself: I have a master's degree in social work and law and have worked in both the public and third sector. My particular interest and I could even say my mission is related to people with special mental needs and the protection of their basic and human rights. Without exaggerating, I believe that I am truly a human rights activist and I want to make sure that the rights of people with special needs are ensured and protected without discrimination, regardless of the field. For me, special needs is a subject that affects every person more or less as a natural part of life. By focusing on humanity and valuing everything that is good and special, which every person undoubtedly has, I want to contribute to ensuring human dignity and everyone’s right to self-determination. Working as an advisor at the ECDP is a natural continuation of my previous professional and personal development and with my knowledge and personal qualities, I hope to support both people with special needs and the society, while also contributing as a supportive colleague.

What others say about Kristi: Kristi is the newest member of our team. Out of all of us, Kristi is the most on the forefront, advising people face to face. We have noticed that the opportunity to help people with special needs by putting her best competencies to use brings Kristi great joy. Especially when customer cases are complex, but are resolved in a way that really supports the client. Kristi is the only lawyer on our team and thus an important source of knowledge and development for all of us. She is also eager to learn – she is very interested in the functioning of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, how our members are doing, and whether the goals of the Chamber are met. Although Kristi's work is not easy, she can miraculously stay optimistic and keep her head high.

Chief Specialist
Phone: +372 661 6614

Tauno Asuja

Tauno about himself: I graduated from Tallinn University with a degree in social work in 2005 and have worked in this field since the early years of my studies, starting with child protection and quite soon finding myself working with people with intellectual disabilities and mental disorders. My longest work experience has been managing the daily work of the Tallinn Chamber of Disabled People for 8 years, which has given me valuable and priceless experience in terms of personal development. Working in a third sector organisation primarily captivates me because I can find solutions to various challenges, launch new initiatives, and acquire new skills and knowledge, if necessary.

What others say about Tauno: Tauno, the newest member of the ECDP team, already knew how to "swim" when he joined us, because he had extensive work experience from the Tallinn Chamber of Disabled People. In his work, Tauno is cheerful, versatile and precise. He notices details, but at the same time can keep an eye on the big picture.

Chief specialist

Mari Puuram

Mari about herself: I completed my bachelor's studies by 2011 in modern European languages and cultures, specializing in Italian language. At the moment I am studying public administration at Tallinn University's Masters programme. My previous work experience has been mostly people-centered. I have worked both as a specialist and a consultant. At EPIК I would like to contribute through my work on accessibility to building a better society while combining sector-specific knowledge with skills, so that all members of society feel valuable and welcome with opportunities and access to operate on equal grounds.

Chief Specialist
Phone: +372 661 6614

Tauno Asuja

Tauno about himself: I graduated from Tallinn University with a degree in social work in 2005 and have worked in this field since the early years of my studies, starting with child protection and quite soon finding myself working with people with intellectual disabilities and mental disorders. My longest work experience has been managing the daily work of the Tallinn Chamber of Disabled People for 8 years, which has given me valuable and priceless experience in terms of personal development. Working in a third sector organisation primarily captivates me because I can find solutions to various challenges, launch new initiatives, and acquire new skills and knowledge, if necessary.

What others say about Tauno: Tauno, the newest member of the ECDP team, already knew how to "swim" when he joined us, because he had extensive work experience from the Tallinn Chamber of Disabled People. In his work, Tauno is cheerful, versatile and precise. He notices details, but at the same time can keep an eye on the big picture.

Adviser (in the field of work ability assessment and disability determination)
Phone: +372 6715909

Kristi Rekand

Kristi about herself: I have a master's degree in social work and law and have worked in both the public and third sector. My particular interest and I could even say my mission is related to people with special mental needs and the protection of their basic and human rights. Without exaggerating, I believe that I am truly a human rights activist and I want to make sure that the rights of people with special needs are ensured and protected without discrimination, regardless of the field. For me, special needs is a subject that affects every person more or less as a natural part of life. By focusing on humanity and valuing everything that is good and special, which every person undoubtedly has, I want to contribute to ensuring human dignity and everyone’s right to self-determination. Working as an advisor at the ECDP is a natural continuation of my previous professional and personal development and with my knowledge and personal qualities, I hope to support both people with special needs and the society, while also contributing as a supportive colleague.

What others say about Kristi: Kristi is the newest member of our team. Out of all of us, Kristi is the most on the forefront, advising people face to face. We have noticed that the opportunity to help people with special needs by putting her best competencies to use brings Kristi great joy. Especially when customer cases are complex, but are resolved in a way that really supports the client. Kristi is the only lawyer on our team and thus an important source of knowledge and development for all of us. She is also eager to learn – she is very interested in the functioning of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, how our members are doing, and whether the goals of the Chamber are met. Although Kristi's work is not easy, she can miraculously stay optimistic and keep her head high.

Chief Specialist
Tel: +372 661 6614

Vladislav Veližanin

Vladislav about himself: “I am, above all, an active citizen - the desire to contribute to the community has largely determined my course so far and gives me the energy for solving daily tasks. My professional journey started at the youth association "Open Republic", where during high school I carried out civic education integration projects for national minorities. I obtained my first degree in the field of communication from Tallinn University after studying as an exchange student at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. After a period in the private sector as a PR agency consultant, I'm excited to be in charge of communications and creative projects at the Chamber. For me, EPIK is more than just a job: it's a way of life in which I commit myself to a mission of civic oversight, developing good practices and more cohesive communities.

Chief Specialist
Tel: +372 661 6614

Vladislav Veližanin

Vladislav about himself: “I am, above all, an active citizen - the desire to contribute to the community has largely determined my course so far and gives me the energy for solving daily tasks. My professional journey started at the youth association "Open Republic", where during high school I carried out civic education integration projects for national minorities. I obtained my first degree in the field of communication from Tallinn University after studying as an exchange student at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. After a period in the private sector as a PR agency consultant, I'm excited to be in charge of communications and creative projects at the Chamber. For me, EPIK is more than just a job: it's a way of life in which I commit myself to a mission of civic oversight, developing good practices and more cohesive communities.

The following people help to make sure that everything is running smoothly and those who visit our building are taken care of appropriately:

Tiiu Lill
The hostess of the building
Phone: +372 661 6629

Tiiu is the fairy godmother of the ECDP, ensuring that all events in our house run smoothly. In her work, Tiiu is extremely diligent and precise. With her kind and friendly nature, she captivates both the people working in our building and our visitors.

Andrus Helenurm
Phone: +372 661 6629

Ene Oga
Phone: +372 661 6629

Rein Järve
Courtyard caretaker
Phone: +372 661 6629

Olga Moler
Phone: +372 661 6629

Accounting services are provided by Arendusprojektide Keskus T&T
Contact person Anne Tang
GSM: +372 50 93 827, +372 51 03 023

Illustratsioon: mees suure luubiga lugemas paberilehte.