
According to the data of the Social Insurance Board, as of 31.12.2021, Estonia has a total of 133,007 disabled people, of whom:

  • People with profound disability: 14 679 (11% of people with disabilities)
  • People with severe disability: 70 0585 (53% of people with disabilities)
  • People with moderate disability: 48 270 (36% of people with disabilities)

Disabled people make up nearly 11% of Estonia’s total population

Statistics of disabled people by local governments (Social Insurance Board)

According to the data of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, as of 31.12.2020, partial work ability had been determined for 60,056 people and no work ability had been determined for 35,607 people. There were a total of 95,663 people with reduced work ability.

Statistics of assessing work ability (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund)

Additional information regarding the statistics related to disabilities divided by years can be found in the databases of Statistics Estonia:

General data on people with disabilities

Coping of people with disabilities

Employment of people with disabilities

Households with a disabled member

Illustratsioon: mees seisab infotahvli kõrval.