Learn more:
▼ Healthcare
▶ Primary healthcare and specialised medical care
▶ Dental care for disabled persons
▶ Rehabilitation
▶ Telephone helplines for patients
Health insurance gives the opportunity to receive medical care without paying significant sums for it. In Estonia, the health insurance offered by the health insurance fund generally covers all the services provided by family physicians and medical specialists, as well as child health development, nursing care, children’s dental care and, partly, adults’ dental care. Some services have a small rate of cost-sharing, i.e. in addition the amount paid by the health insurance fund, the person also has to pay a small amount themselves. Cost-sharing is, for example, the visit fee for a medical specialist (usually 5 euros for the first visit), in-patient fee for staying in the hospital (2.50 euros per day for up to 10 days), in nursing care a part of the general in-patient fee.
Every permanent resident of Estonia is entitled to health insurance, as well as everyone who is staying here on the basis of a temporary residence permit or right of residence, if social tax is paid for them. In addition, the state provides health insurance to those who do not directly contribute to the system through taxes. These are persons under 19 years of age, students, higher education students, conscripts, pregnant women, unemployed persons, persons with work capability, persons on parental leave, persons who are maintained by their spouses, pensioners, caregivers of disabled persons and persons who have concluded an insurance contract with the health insurance fund.
All insured persons have the right to receive high-quality medical care, pecuniary benefits and medicinal products with discounts. Due to the use of state-of-the-art technology and the continuous development of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare services are very expensive, thus having health insurance is very important. Make sure you always have valid health insurance – that way you can protect yourself from the unpredictable!
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