Learn more:
▶ Healthcare
▶ Primary healthcare and specialised medical care
▶ Dental care for disabled persons
▶ Rehabilitation
▼ Telephone helplines for patients
Family Doctor's Advice Line 1220 – or by phone 634 6630 which is a counselling service financed by the health insurance fund where experienced family physicians and nurses answer calls around the clock in both Estonian and Russian.
Pediatrician advice line “Lastearst kuuleb” 1599 – Paid advice line that can be called from a landline and mobile phone. The price is one euro per minute.
Poisoning Centre hotline 16662 – operates under the Health Board and can be consulted for all kinds of poisonings or acute allergic reactions, including household chemicals, medical product overdoses, cosmetics, mushrooms, plants, alcohol, insect and animal bites, etc. The call is priced according to the price list of the operator. Operates around the clock.
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EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
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