Learn more:
▶ Healthier life
▶ Diet and exercise
▶ Living with a chronic illness
▼ Mental health
▶ Organ donation
In addition to physical health and well-being, it is equally important to pay attention to how we feel and how we experience the world around us, how we deal with tension and stress, and what our relationships with other people are like.
A person with good mental health copes with the stress of everyday life, is able to work and be active and social, and enjoys life in general. Every person experiences hopelessness, sadness and anger occasionally. The important thing is that we overcome negative emotions and that conflicts and failures do not interfere with our everyday life for a very long time.
Mental health problems are often very difficult to assess because each person is unique, experiences emotions differently and responds to external influences in a way that is unique to them. Therefore, it is difficult to decide, how much sadness or anxiety refers to a mood disorder or which behavioral peculiarity is strange enough that it should be corrected with the help of a specialist.
If negative feelings, sadness and anxiety start to interfere with your daily routine, it would be a good idea to seek advice from a mental health professional or a GP. Information on mental health disorders, diagnosis and treatment options is also available on the Internet.
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EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
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