Learn more:
▶ Healthier life
▼ Diet and exercise
▶ Living with a chronic illness
▶ Mental health
▶ Organ donation
There is a lot of information on the Internet about diet and exercise. There are many recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, and the advice can often be contradictory or serve someone's business interests (selling products and services through health recommendations). It can be difficult to decide which recommendations are safe and healthy. On the other hand, healthy diet and exercise are becoming increasingly important, as the fast pace of life and the changing world often favor less physical activity and not the healthiest food choices. Therefore, raising health awareness through evidence-based recommendations is very important.
In Estonia, the National Institute for Health Development plays an important role in promotion of the health of the population, creation of an environment that supports health, and the development of evidence-based recommendations. The recommendations and materials they put together have been developed in collaboration with doctors and experts of the field, and are reliable and based on science.
The website of the National Institute for Health Development provides a lot of information on healthy.
The National Institute for Health Development has developed a (link: https://toitumine.ee text: website for the population and catering establishments and a nutrition program which explains everything related to nutrition very easily and conveniently. Among others, it includes:
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EPIKojaEesti Puuetega Inimeste Koja esimene uudiskiri ilmus juunis 2017.
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